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Into the Dungeon Fest

I am feeling very overwhelmed. I am writing this on Tuesday morning after arriving home on Sunday night at midnight from Dungeon Fest. My mind and body are still recovering from that whirlwind of an event. I know Rat Boy Rory is going to be taking even longer to recover than I am - he birthed this wild event in his brain, and then carried it forward into the world. We owe it to Rory that this event was such a success. And what a success it was! All throughout the weekend there was chatter about what we were going to be doing 'next year', which made us feel like people were excited to come back before they even left.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. What is Dungeon Fest? Well, Dungeon Fest is a two day gaming and culture event in Calgary, Alberta that takes heavy inspiration from Under the Dice Fest in Chicopee, Massachusetts. There were full day gaming events of Mordheim, MTG, and Flames of Orion, as well as pickup games of OPR, Turnip 28, Gaslands, Space Hulk, and Mork Borg. There were vendors selling games, books, and merch. There were TV's set up so that attendants could play Halo 2 with up to 8 players. There was food, a bar, silent auction, prizes, and a pair of dungeon synth DJs who played for 2 whole days. There was also a killer live show on saturday night with local metal and hardcore bands (special shoutout to Vargouille for BRINGING THE ENERGY), and a live set from the aforementioned dungeon synth DJs. I'm probably forgetting some of the cool stuff that happened, but the real treat was the 100-200 people who came through over the weekend to hang out, play games, and be generally very cool.

I think there are going to be a lot more pictures that pop up from the event over the next few days (and possibly a documentary by Caffeinated Miniatures - shout out to Jarrid for being unbelievably chill, and for chatting about running with me), but I wanted to post a few of the picture I was able to snap. As usual, I did a terrible job of documenting the event. I have a few short video clips that I will try to embed as well, if blogger will let me. this is not an exhaustive play by play of the event, because that wouldn't do it justice. This is just to show you how much fun we had, and to say: if you want something like this to happen where you live, you need to do what Rory did and make it happen!

Alberta Mordheim Open getting started

Getting setup to play in the Flames of Orion event

MTG pre-modern event


Post-Mordheim armies on parade


A well deserved peoples choice for best warband went to @ryeburg_yt 


The following pictures are from the Flames of Orion event

The following pictures are from the Alberta Mordheim Open (I did not take many pictures)

I hope these little snippets give you even a fraction of the sense of the energy we had. There will be more photo and video to come - and it sounds like we will be doing it all again next year.




I will be posting a third part to my Temple of Death table series, where I talk about how the table got used at the event, but I'll save that for a separate post.


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