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Miniature Makers: A (not at all) Definitive List

For nearly 20 years, I have been captivated by the miniature hobby. For most of that time, the only company I was truly aware of, was Games Workshop. The giant in the room, GW certainly has an impressive range of sculpts and a strong design vision.

In the last few years, I have become aware of a wide range of other companies, brands, and sculptors, who have their own unique visions about what miniatures are. This will be a living list of the miniature manufacturers that have been recommended to me, or that I have purchased from. It is a very diverse list. Some manufacturers focus on their own proprietary games, and some just sell bits.

I have not ordered from all of these companies, so your mileage may vary!!!

If there is a company that you love, and it is not listed here, drop me a line and I will add it to the list.

Pictured above -


* - Companies with a star were suggested by hobbyists on Reddit and throughout the community. Thanks for the help!

*Alchemist Miniatures Shop - Broad range of fantasy miniatures with very unique flavours.

*Anakron Miniatures - Small line of individual fantasy sculpts.

Anvil Industries - Mainly science fiction, with a number of 40k proxies. Lots of individual bits.

Arena Rex - Miniatures for the Arena Rex game. Greek gladiatorial style.

*Artizan Designs - Wide variety of historic miniatures.

Atlantis Miniatures - Great fantasy sculpts, specializing in Dwarves and Goblins.

Artel W - A collective of sculptors from Russia. They do a little bit of everything, including busts. Shipping times from Russia to North America is pretty long, but I was very happy with the product.

*Avatars of War - Mostly alternates to Warhammer Fantasy, but some very unique sculpts.

Blood Carrot Knights - Something of a specialty shop. Famous for their Cat Knights, but they have unique fantasy minis and great busts.

*Black Chapel Miniatures - Wow. Awesome Warhammer Fantasy alternates. Great for Mordheim, Frostgrave, DnD.

Black Scorpion - Unique Blood Bowl minis, Old World fantasy, Dwarf pirates, and the Wild West.

Black Sun Miniatures - Stunningly beautiful sculpts and busts.

*Black Tree Design - Pretty much every genre. They have great Dwarves, I can't get enough of good Dwarves.

*Cadwallon - Ok, these guys are good but THEY HAVE BASES AT A REASONABLE PRICE.

*Claymore Castings - Medieval historical figures.

*Conversion World - Weapons and bits for conversion.

Creature Caster - The best Demons in the game. Constantly adding new sculpts to the store.

*Dark Sword Miniatures - Great collection of fantasy minis. They have some specialty lines, like a set of characters from A Song of Ice and Fire. I didn't realize until now that I needed a Moonboy mini.

Edinburgh Miniature Company - Smaller selection, mainly Greek troops, and sci fi models. They also sell bits sprues. Great for the inq28 style.

*Eureka Miniatures - Terrible site, but if you dig through their 28mm collection, you will find some absolute gems, especially if you are into Bosch inspired nightmares, aos28, and medieval images. 

*Fenryll - Various fantasy and sci fi sculpts.

*Fireforge Miniatures - Forgotten world line is for alternative history/fantasy miniatures.

*Footsore Miniatures - Historical figures. They have a 'build your own warband' feature that gives you discounts. Looks pretty cool.

*Gaspez Arts - Dwarfs! Diverse line of hand sculpted miniatures.

*Gamezone Miniatures - Warhammer Fantasy alternates. 

*Hasslefree Miniatures - They have just about everything, but it takes a bit of digging to work through the site.

Heresy Lab - Huge range of miniatures. TONS of bits. Mainly alternative sculpts to GW options.

*Hitech Miniatures - Beautiful 40k style sculpts. Check out the Space Wolves and the Cultists.

Immortal Kings - Very small line. Either Dark Souls style fantasy, or mecha sci fi.

*Infinity - Another one I should have had from the start! Beautiful sci fi models. - Fantasy heroes and monsters.

*Kingdom Death - Great anime inspired/horror sculpts. Lots of stock rotation.

*Knightmare Miniatures - Absolutely beautiful sculpts. Totally perfect for a Mordheim warband.

Kromlech - Large collection, lots of conversion bits. Specializing in diverse Orc units, but plenty of other stuff here.

*Last Sword Miniatures - Very cool fantasy sculpts.

*Mad Robot Miniatures - Tons of bit sprues, mostly for sci fi and post-apocalyptic.

*MaxMini - Cool bits! Currently closed for pandemic reason. Will update when they are back.

Mantic Games - Fantasy, sci fi, naval. Proprietary games.

Metallic Monsters - Highly recommended to me, though I haven't tried yet. Crowd sourced sculpts that are 3D printed in metal on demand. They have a great selection of sculpts.

Mierce Miniatures - Massive selection of unique fantasy miniatures.

*Mirliton Miniatures - I was told they have the best dragons, but I was impressed by their future warror line. Metal casts. 

*Mithril Miniatures - Lord of The Rings miniatures.

*Models and Minis - Sci fi vehicles and vehicle bits.

North Star Military Figures - Slightly low detail, but they have some of the coolest boxed kits going. Reasonably priced, with a discount to North American customers. 

*Otherworld Miniatures - High fantasy/DnD style sculpts. 

*Perry Miniatures - Historical minis in box sets.

*Pig Iron Productions - Very cool original sculpts. lots of post-apocalyptic, and near future sci fi. 

*Privateer Press - Pretty much everything to do with the hobby, including cool minis.

*Punga Miniatures - The coolest Skaven proxies I have ever seen + way more.

*Puppetswar - Big selection of conversion bits, mostly sci fi.

*Raging Heroes - Huge selection, largely alternate 40k models, but also much more.

*Reaper Miniatures - How did I forget them? Massive selection of fantasy and sci-fi. New sculpts all the time.

Red Box Games - Small company, miniatures sculpted by hand.

*Reptilian Overlords - They have a bit of a weird subscription service, but the models look great.

*Rotten Miniatures - Small selection of horror/chaos themed models. Great for Mordheim or chaos kitbashing.

Scale75 - Mostly known for their line of paints, they also have a large miniature line.

*Scibor Monsterous Miniatures - Lots of models, bits, and bases.

*Spellcrow - Massive selection of conversion bits. I've never seen this many Ork head options in one place.

Titanforge - Offering both physical miniatures and STL files. Another huge selection.

*Troublemaker Games - This link goes directly to the 'Nuns with Laserguns' section, because why not. 

*Vanguard Miniatures - Lots of smaller scale stuff, like 3-15mm, but some 28mm as well. Also, cool Battlefleet Gothica proxies.

*V&V Miniatures - Historical miniatures.

Verge of War - Sci fi miniatures with a distinct style.

*Victoria Miniatures - Lots of cool stuff, but their massive artillery pieces are impressive.

Wargames Atlantic - Small selection of fantasy and sci fi regiments, but good value, and you get a ton of stuff in the box.

*Wargame Exclusive - 40k proxy models.

Warlord Games - Mostly historic miniatures, but some fantasy/sci fi. 

*Warmongers Miniatures - A subset of Foundry Miniatures - Great old fantasy style sculpts.

Westfalia Miniatures - All sorts of stuff. They have several distinct sculptors producing new minis.

*Zaba Art - I tried to stick to 28mm, but these busts and larger scale sculpts are too beautiful to neglect.

*Zealot Miniatures - Sci fi, fantasy, terrain, bits, and more. 

*Zinge Industries - TONS of bits, also reasonably priced bases, my favourite.

That's it for now, but there is always room for this list to grow.



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