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Rangers of Shadowdeep - Scenario 1: Ableheim

This is the first scenario I created for my Red Brothers campaign, and I had a blast creating and playing it. Since playing it I have made a few tweaks, and I'm sure you will have some creative tweaks as well! I love playing with randomized mechanics, especially when I am trying to create a narratively driven game.

Setup: Ableheim is a town that houses corruption and cult activity, the warband has been sent to investigate and destroy any corruption they find. A mob gathers to watch the warband, getting increasingly agitated.


- Find and destroy the corruption;
- Exit the table through the starting path



  • When a character investigates a house, roll a D6; If a 6 is rolled, that house contains the corruption.
  • If no 6 is rolled, the corruption is in the last house.
  • If a D6 roll fails, add +1 to the mob counter.
  • When the corruption is found place 1 cultist, 1 cultist archer, and 1 demon in the house (or near it).


  • The mob consists of 3 villagers/militia models.
  • Each turn add +1 to the mob counter, then;
  • Roll a D10, if you roll lower than the counter total, the mob attacks.
  • When the mob spawns, move in a second mob from the 'start' point (3 more models).


  • If the warband destroys all corruption and mobs, keep all treasure on the table. 


  • Skill check to read demonic runes found graffiti'd on houses DC 15 (Read Runes/Ancient Lore).
  • Success gives all party members +2 fight against demons (does not stack).


H - House

T - Treasure

R - Runes

Note: Houses can be placed wherever you want them, but I would suggest placing them on the far side of the map, to create a more fun and challenging table.








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