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A Frozen Waste - A Karthlands Narrative Battle Report

To keep Karthlands fresh, I came up with a mechanic to actually progress the narrative beyond winning and losing. Each battle that takes place will have some impact on the map, as a zone of influence spreads from the different factions. This isn't a perfect system as not every faction will be in contact to begin, but it will help create movement and direction for me to follow. That leads us to today's battle report, between some Grenfell Isles scouts, and the Blue Lady. I am once again using my own ruleset, Skirmish Game to make this a quick narrative battle.

Five Grenfell scouts, traveling through the wastes to avoid the suspicions of the Karthlanders, are seeking a mountain pass down into the Karthwoods. They take rest at what appears to be an old ritual site, where monolithic stones surround a dead tree at their center. As the Islanders begin to settle in, the notice a rattling sound. As they peer into the white and blue, they see frozen bone and steel rising from the snow and ice, and three mysterious white skinned figures walking among the dead. A lady in the front wears the flayed face of an ogre upon her shield, and as her eyes flicker, they are solid dead black. As the dead move forward in unison, the Grenfell Islanders prepare a defence.

Turn 1
Immediately, the Blue Lady is struck in the chest by a massive great axe. Clearly the blow cut through her sternum, but the dumb, flat expression on her face never changes as she pulls the axe free. They trade blows and both bleed.

A Grenfell man leaps forward thrusting his dual daggers up through the chin of a mystic vampire, never giving him the chance to swing his great bastard sword.

The corpse of a great winterbeast roars out of the woods, but his savage flurry is deflected and weathered. While the banner bearer of the dead is cracked and broken.


Turn 2
The men hold the line, crushing bone and rotting frozen flesh below their boots. The Blue Lady is also defeated, being sent to the ground by yet another crushing blow.

The rampaging beast makes its first impact upon the men, and they start to feel the pressure. One of their stalwart number falling to icy evil.

A robed skeleton looks to an arcane tome in its possession, twiddling it's fingers in the air. A nearby pile of bones begins to rattle and rise before collapsing once again.

Turn 3
This time, the ritual works, and another corpse rises from the pile, returning to the fight. The remaining living band together in an attempt to stem the tide of death.

The mage casts again and one of the slain islanders rises, his axe limp in his hand, his eyes black as coal. He swings ineffectually against his former comrade.

The beast, and many remaining dead, fall. Finally silent and still. 

Turn 4
The man with two daggers comes up from behind the mage and removes his skull from the spine. Only their once-companion remains, and he is dispatched easily.

They pile all the bodies and put them to the torch before moving on, but one Boddy is missing.

As the warriors leave the field, the torso of the Blue Lady pulls itself onward across the ice, leaving its legs and it's force behind. It's ok, the north is filled with endless dead from many aeons. She will be back again...

As a result of this battle, the Grenfell folks gain a foothold in the wastes and find a passage south into the Karthlands. This is not the prettiest map ever, but it helps me see where the influence is, and how things can change with a battle or two. Each faction has a colour (there are a few mysterious factions on the board already), and each battle so far has been marked with crossed swords.


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