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Space Dwarves!

As always, I have failed to keep up with my promises on this blog! Rangers of Shadowdeep, and Stargrave warband prep have been slow and sporadic. My plan is to actually "DM" a game of Rangers for some friends, and hopefully that will motivate me to finish writing scenarios.

But today's blog is about something more important. Space Dwarves! I have spent a long time looking for sci-fi dwarves that really kick ass. There are some good options out there, but not as many as exist for fantasy dwarves. I did, however, randomly stumble upon some of the coolest miniatures I have ever seen.


These guys are from Scibor Miniatures, which I believe is a resin manufacturer from Poland. I don't know what their shipping is like, because I bought these models through a Canadian distributor. You can find the original kit here:,shop.php?art=3046

 They took a bit of work to put together, as is often the case with resin. I was lucky I had a Dremel/rotary tool, because they were firmly attached to thick resin sprues, that would not snip cleanly with my regular snips. I actually had to cut them off. A thin hacksaw blade also would have worked well. After that, I spent a few hours trimming and cleaning mould lines extra bits, sort the parts and gluing together. There were a few rough fits, but I used some greenstuff and filled gaps and cracks. In the end, I think this was totally worth it, as this kit is really unique. It is going to be a perfect Stargrave warband: a group of grizzled mercs on a rundown ship, taking tough jobs for the right price.

I have finished painting one model as a proof of concept/test model. I'm happy with how he turned out, but I will be making a few adjustments on the next model. A bit less Nihilakh Oxide in the creases, and a bit more contrast in the metals, and possibly more orange rust.


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