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Battle Report - Rangers of Shadowdeep: Red Brothers part 1

Finally! I get to bring my you the first of four battle reports in My Red Brothers narrative campaign. I wrote this one from the perspective of one of my characters. I should not that I use some fairly descriptive language, so if you don't like grimdark violence, this may not be for you. I actually took plenty of pictures this time, so I hope you will enjoy!


From the journals of Acolyte Rolf:

Turn 1:

We enter into the village of Ableheim. The people here are dirty and gaunt. They eye us bleakly, and silence reigns as we move through the dank town. Most of the dwellings are near the town center, and we move through rubble as we make our way there. Among the crumbling buildings, I can see a mob forming in the distance, no doubt trying to put us off of our work. Let them try.

Father Reikner, Edmund, and I move towards the first house. We batter down the door, but the house is abandoned. There is demonic graffiti on the floor, but we can't decipher it. We feel uneasy in it's presence, so we destroy the symbol and move on. In the street, our brothers continue to advance.

Turn 2:

We moved down an alley to avoid the growing mob, but just when we got out of sight I could hear the splintering of wood, and inhuman screams filled the night air! 

Our brothers must have found the corruption!

The mob seems frightened by the screams, and they hesitate... for now.

Turn 3:

Father Georg turns back with Edmund to help the brothers, but he urges me to investigate the area quickly and return to him. I find what may be a clue and throw it in my bag. 

As Father Georg speeds away, I hear the twang of his crossbow string. I must hurry!

The crossbow bolt strikes the demon, but is deflected by it's thick hide. The beast roars and advances. He leaps at Edmund and takes a bite! When the creature steps back, a large chunk of Edmund's shoulder is missing, and he stumbles backward in shock. Edmund swings the mace in his good arm, and crashes it into the demon's skull. The beast recoils, but still seems ready for the fight.

One of the cultists charges Brother Otto and the street breaks out in carnage. Otto levels his glaive and cuts the cultist in half, but a second later he has an arrow shaft protruding from his chest, and he collapses in a crash of armour.

Robin and Lief charge the archer and beat him to the floor, caving in his skull in the process.

Our brave hound Beatrix leapt up at the demon, but was swatted away like a pest. The crowd must hear the commotion and fear it's source. They stay away for now.

Turn 4:

Father Georg wastes no time charging to Edmund's defense. He stabs the beast through the heart and puts him down for good.

Our objective complete, we make to exit this foul village before the villagers regain their courage, but it is too late. More arrive to block our exit.

Turn 5:

Sensing trouble, Father Georg reloads his crossbow and prays for Edmund's safety (Armour spell).

Before we know it, the rabble are on us. Oblivious to the fact that we destroyed the cultists in their midst. They must now be punished for interfering with our holy work.

I try to slow the mob and buy time for Georg. Edmund hops a wall and slumps down, poor bastard. Beatrix charges the other group, and in the scuffle that ensues, Robin takes a blade in the belly.

Turn 6:

Georg turns around and plants a bolt in a mans head from 6 paces, then leaps into another combat. The man swings over Georg's head and the Father ends the fight in a single blow.

Another man strikes at Robin and dies for his attempt. Outnumbered, a villager swings out in fear. Beatrix bites into his leg while Lief and Robin administer divine justice.

A lone archer hopes to stop our retreat, but he stands his ground. He is brave, I will give him that. He arcs a shot at Robin, but misses wide.

Turn 7:

Beatrix is on the bowman, but he cuts her with a dagger and she yelps. The rest of us move to her aid. He slashes wildly and catches Beatrix again, and she goes down hard. He also catches Robin, who gasps for air as blood pours through his helmet slots.

Turn 8:

Father Georg stabs the man, but he won't die. Why won't he die! The peasant thought to finish Robin off, but instead, he finds Robin's blade pushed up through his jaw, ending things (crit 20).

We gather our fallen brothers and flee the town for shelter.

Later, Otto recovers from his wounds. Beatrix recovers too, but she loses an eye from the fight. We find several weapons and trinkets during our escape that may aid us later in our quest.

To be continued...


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