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It's Been a While...

 I started this blog to keep busy during quarantine, but as soon as I had a bit of freedom, I dropped it like a hot potato. However, I haven't stopped hobbying. In this post I just want to post a few projects I've finished, and some that I am actively working on. Maybe if I post all of this backlog, I won't feel so intimidated by posting more regularly... maybe.


So, here is a megadump of my projects in the last 6 months.


First up, I created this simple piece of terrain and the barriers that you see in the background. These will probably show up in a few of the later pictures as well. I started experimenting with foam core to create terrain, and this was the first go. I also use some plastic filter cases, similar to fishtank filters, to create grates for the walkway. Lots of weathering pigment and texture, for a bit of character.

This was the next foam core project I worked on. I built a bit of a recon tower around this instant-coffee can I had lying around. I have saved 3 or 4 of these, so I plan on doing more with them in the future. This tower turned out fantastic, and was a really quick build!

Here we have a few shots from a game of 40k between Eldar and Tau. My Eldar won the match, but mostly I was excited because this was the first game I had been able to play in months (and one of the last games I played since we locked-down again).

These are a unit of Cultists from Frostgrave. I have recently fallen head over heels for Frostrgrave and Rangers of Shadowdeep, by Osprey games. They are small unit size skirmish games that allow tons of originality and customizable miniatures. I am just basing them up here (back when the grass was not covered in a few inches of ice), but you will see more of them later.

I have spent the last few years trying to get my hands on a particular box of dog miniatures. I wasn't able to get the one I wanted (the one with the Golden Retriever wizard), but I still love these pups, and have already used them as part of my Frostgrave warband.

The beginnings of my main Frostgrave warband, Sneaky Pete, Old-man Obediah, and Ranger Jorg.

These are objective markers that I made for Frostrgrave, or any other fantasy game. I have a few old slotted bases that were a bit busted, so I covered them in neat bits from the bits box, painted them, and splashed some snow on top.

Frostgrave warband, complete!

My first real game of Frostgrave, with a few of the terrain pieces I created over the summer. This would be a good Mordheim map as well. Lots of 3 dimensional terrain to move around here.

The beginnings of a "wizard's tower" for Frostgrave, although there will be a better tower later in this post.

This set breaks my heart. I was creating an epoxy dock section to sit at the corner of my battlefield. I put a lot of effort into this, only to scrap the build after the epoxy seeped through my barriers and adhered to my workstation. I think the failure of this project bummed me out and kept me away from the hobby for a few weeks.

Cultists complete! more or less. After this was taken, I went back and repainted them using oil paints, just to see what would happen. They ended up looking largely the same! They have been varnished and will soon be receiving some acrylic drybrushing. There will be more cultist action here in the future.

Finally, the project I am working on right now, is a home for my cultists! the plan is for this creepy necromancer tower to have a head chopping block in the courtyard out front. This will be the home base for my necromancer and cultists. I'm trying a ton of new methods for this project, so we will see how it turns out! Instead of carving every brick, I am using EVA foam strips and the odd piece of insulation foam, and just gluing them to the side of the tower. Once I hit them with some texture and some black Mod Podge, I hope they look more natural as bricks. I will definitely update once this project is finished!


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