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Casual Battle Report: Cities of Sigmar vs. Seraphon

This last week I got to play one of my first ever games of Age of Sigmar, where every model on the table was actually painted! I played my newly finished Greywater Fastness - Cities of Sigmar army, and my friend Taylor played a Seraphon list. Both of us were new to these armies, so we were experimenting and learning as we went. We played a scenario that was new to me, with a roving objective that moved around the table at random times and directions. Both armies were at around 1150 points, which is somewhat arbitrary, but we both liked the lists we put together.

The Slann oversees the horde of lizardfolk as they pour forth

The Oldblood on Carnosaur rallies the troops and prepares for an aggressive charge

The Dwarf lines hold and prepare for the defense of their artillery

The Freeguild Guard are prepared to pounce on the objective with the support of a trusty cannon

Just look at them go...

The initial objective was a green warp-stone monolith at the center of the field, high atop a Seraphon stepped pyramid. While the Freeguild Guard were quick to move up the slope on their advance, the objective did not stay there for long, eventually floating down directly into the front lines. The Guard charged down the slope, attempting to follow the objective, but magic and Saurus warriors chewed them up en route.

The Carnosaur, very boldly, teleported beyond the Dwarf lines in an attempt to destroy my gun line of 3 organ guns and 20 thunderers. He was forced to remain 9" back after teleporting, and failed 2 charge attempts before being torn to shreds by heavy munitions.

As the objective floated down the pyramid, Seraphon wizards were hard at work trying to prevent the dwarves from reaching it. The palisade was used several times, but was easily dispelled in the dwarf turn by the resident Runelord. However, Seraphon magic, specifically the Slann's comet spells, wreaked havoc on the Cities of Sigmar forces. Each turn, a bit more was chewed away, and the Slann was able to target artillery crews to reduce the effectiveness of the guns (using old Organ gun rules, where crew are separate from the machine).

While many of the engagements were favourable to the dwarves (standing still and allowing missile fire to suppress other targets), the lizardfolk were constantly moving. Both teleporting willy nilly around the field, as well as running and flying past slow moving dwarves. The Seraphon were also able to summon several regiments of Skinks, who were able to spread across the battlefield and create some confusion.

These bold Skinks teleported 9' back from a cannon. Half of their unit was deleted on arrival by the cannon, but they succeeded their charge in the following turn and tangled up the crew and engineer for the next 3 turns, preventing very crucial cannon fire from flanking Saurus Knights.

In the end, the Seraphon were victorious. They managed to outflank and outmaneuver the slow and steady dwarves. Their myriad methods of movement were a great match for this scenario, and they made use of every advantage. I was happy with the way my Cities of Sigmar army performed (though I was using outdated warscrolls, like thunderers and Organ Guns, which will be updated to Freeguild Handgunners and Volleyguns in my next game) and I think I can see where this army might shine. I look forward to paying a 2v2 game, where I can play a defensive ranged game, and allow my teammate to be more aggressive with movement and board control.


  1. Thanks, I love battle reports that dont get too nitty-gritty. Keep em coming!

    1. I agree! I'll be posting some Mordheim games on here in the next week or two. Thanks for reading :)


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