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Showing posts from September, 2024

Dwarfs on the March

I've been quiet for a few weeks, but I have still been busy working in the dungeon! Stepping away from IG has been restful, and it has inclined me to also take a step back from a lot of other obligations in my life and re-orient some of my priorities. I've been enjoying my quiet time and have been using that extra time to read through The Old World rulebooks which I picked up on a lark. I've played a fair amount of OPR Regiments over the last year (and have loved it so much), but something about the crunch and the character drew me back into the world of Warhammer Fantasy. I've been building lists, theory crafting, and digging my old dwarf army out of storage and bits boxes. In fact, I've been buying and sourcing dwarf models from anywhere I can find them (huge shout out to my bud Rory for giving me a ziploc full of dwarf warriors). My existing dwarf models were on a mix of 20 and 25 mm, and a mix of square and round bases. They are also painted in