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Showing posts from March, 2021

Stargrave Prep

Stargrave is almost here, and my Maelstrom's Edge 'Broken Infantry' kit has arrived, so it's time to build a warband. The first chapter of Stargrave got released, so I was able to actually plan out my team and build some custom models. This is the crew of the Carrion Bird, a salvage and reclamation crew for Uematsu Heavy Industries. They are not pirates, but if your ship is unattended, it may be disassembled for parts.

Battle Report - Rangers of Shadowdeep: Red Brothers part 1

Finally! I get to bring my you the first of four battle reports in My Red Brothers narrative campaign. I wrote this one from the perspective of one of my characters. I should not that I use some fairly descriptive language, so if you don't like grimdark violence, this may not be for you. I actually took plenty of pictures this time, so I hope you will enjoy!   From the journals of Acolyte Rolf: Turn 1: We enter into the village of Ableheim. The people here are dirty and gaunt. They eye us bleakly, and silence reigns as we move through the dank town. Most of the dwellings are near the town center, and we move through rubble as we make our way there. Among the crumbling buildings, I can see a mob forming in the distance, no doubt trying to put us off of our work. Let them try. Father Reikner, Edmund, and I move towards the first house. We batter down the door, but the house is abandoned. There is demonic graffiti on the floor, but we can't decipher it. We feel uneasy in it's

Rangers of Shadowdeep - Scenario 1: Ableheim

This is the first scenario I created for my Red Brothers campaign, and I had a blast creating and playing it. Since playing it I have made a few tweaks, and I'm sure you will have some creative tweaks as well! I love playing with randomized mechanics, especially when I am trying to create a narratively driven game. Setup: Ableheim is a town that houses corruption and cult activity, the warband has been sent to investigate and destroy any corruption they find. A mob gathers to watch the warband, getting increasingly agitated. Victory:  - Find and destroy the corruption; - Exit the table through the starting path Mechanics: Houses When a character investigates a house, roll a D6; If a 6 is rolled, that house contains the corruption. If no 6 is rolled, the corruption is in the last house. If a D6 roll fails, add +1 to the mob counter. When the corruption is found place 1 cultist, 1 cultist archer, and 1 demon in the house (or near it). Mob The mob consists of 3 villagers/militia model