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Showing posts from July, 2024

Temple of Death: Part 2 - The Narrative

 In the last blog post, I talked about how I recently built a temple board for use at the Alberta Mordheim Open event coming up this weekend. It is a 'fixed' build, by which I mean that you can't move around the terrain on the table. I have always had mixed feeling about this kind of terrain. It allows you to create more intricate and interesting builds, but it limits the flexibility and use of the table. If you are a narrative gamer like I am, you better have a lot of reasons to return to that location. So, today I want to talk a little bit about my narrative justifications for this build (outside of creating it for people to use at a cool event). Honestly, it is really easy to work the same terrain into multiple worlds or campaigns, but I wanted to have my own fluff to justify it. I'll start with Mordheim, as that's what it is initially going to be used for. Mordheim: The Temple of Morr In the Old World, Morr is the human god of death. Seen as someone who protects

Temple of Death: Part 1 - The Build

I have built a new board for Into the Dungeon Fest, which is going to be happening in just over a week from today! I wanted to contribute to the Mordheim event and put something together that would be interesting for players. I had some styrofoam, so the initial plan was just for some ruined walls - the temple idea came later. I put this board together in just over a week, which is standard for me - I go from no hobby effort at all, to 3 or 4 manic hours a day until the project is done. I don't want to be too granular about my process, but the styrofoam was actually pretty soft and flimsy, so it required a lot of supporting. Luckily, it didn't melt when I hit it with hot glue, so I was able to mount it onto the table. I also spent several hours chopping and gluing floor planks into place. I watched the entire first season of True Detective during this build - strangely, it helped keep me sane. This all went around the statue, which was made of a Buddha who's he