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Showing posts from January, 2022

Quick Fences for Any Era

 Last week I put together a few fences that I wanted to use as line of sight blockers in my Silver Bayonet game, but fences are pretty universal. They may not be particularly 'sci-fi', but I don't see why the future wouldn't have any wood fences! It was a very easy build, and I have taken pictures of each step to illustrate it here.   For this build I used a bit of mdf board as the basing, but some stiff cardboard will work as well. I also used to coffee stir sticks, and a square wooden rod. You could use a round dowel just as easily. I roughly beveled the edges of the mdf pieces I cut the square wooden rod into 1 inch lengths. How many you need will depend on how long you want the fence to be. Mine are about 2 rods to one coffee stir stick. I also rough up the edges and cut little lines on the to give them a weathered look. I glue the rods standing up on the mdf board, using the coffee stir stick to see the right width. You may notice that I have also clipped the round