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Showing posts from January, 2021

It's Been a While...

 I started this blog to keep busy during quarantine, but as soon as I had a bit of freedom, I dropped it like a hot potato. However, I haven't stopped hobbying. In this post I just want to post a few projects I've finished, and some that I am actively working on. Maybe if I post all of this backlog, I won't feel so intimidated by posting more regularly... maybe.   So, here is a megadump of my projects in the last 6 months.   First up, I created this simple piece of terrain and the barriers that you see in the background. These will probably show up in a few of the later pictures as well. I started experimenting with foam core to create terrain, and this was the first go. I also use some plastic filter cases, similar to fishtank filters, to create grates for the walkway. Lots of weathering pigment and texture, for a bit of character. This was the next foam core project I worked on. I built a bit of a recon tower around this instant-coffee can I had lying around. I have saved