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Showing posts from February, 2021

Rangers of Shadowdeep - My Warband is finished! The Red Brothers

 I have made a few posts now about the construction of this warband and my plans for them. They are finally complete! Behold the Red Brothers before they are sent on an inquisitorial mission, because they may not all return! I am starting a solo campaign with this group and will be regularly updating the blog with the scenarios I have created and the battle reports that follow the adventure.

Rangers of Shadowdeep - Story Time

 In this post, I want to share some of the story and lore that I have come up with for my warband, The Red Brothers, and the campaign they are about to embark on. I'm not breaking any new ground here, but this is my gothic ROSD campaign setting. The Red Brothers are a band of monks, priests, and acolytes, serving their church (which church? Who knows...) and the Order of St. Michael, the slayer of pagan demons (that's a real thing, look it up). This order of monks is different from other orders, as they have received holy dispensation to try and execute any heretics of the faith that they discover. These monks cannot do their work from a monastery, so they roam the land in search of what they deem to be evil. The key here is what they (and the church) deem to be evil. These are not nice men, and they will destroy people and ideologies that differ from their own, but they do also kill demons... The band is led by a Witch Hunter, designated as the Father. The Father leads a few t

Rangers of Shadowdeep - Campaign Inspirations/Mood Wall

 I have set myself a fairly ambitious goal to create a solo ROSD campaign, a new warband, and some terrain to go along with it all. The idea for this did come to me all at once, but I have spent a good deal of time lately immersed in very niche parts of the miniature hobby and adjacent hobbies, and I decided that creating a new narrative campaign would be satisfying. The main reason it is a solo campaign is because I am just stuck at home right now, although it could easily be adapted into a group game. But as I have not completed the warband or the campaign... today I want to talk about the inspirations that brought me to this point. It's a combination of art, games, blogs, music, and community, and it gives a bit of a background on how I view the hobby. For some of you, a project of this size probably doesn't seem that daunting, or maybe you have done something like this before, but this is my first real go at something like this, and I want to document it a little bit. The f